
Do you have a launched project and/or business specifically for ADHD brains?

I'd like to do a roundup of helpful tools (and businesses) by indie creators to feature in my next Substack, which is created for ADHD creative entrepreneurs.

Drop your links below and give some context about:

- who it's for (i.e. ADHD entrepreneurs who struggle with time blindness)
- what problem(s) it solves (i.e. feeling demotivated and giving up on projects)
- how it solves the problem(s) (i.e. app that lets you log your small wins throughout the day to keep you focused + motivated on your goal)

- bonus: what inspired you to create it + why you think it's the best out there (tell your origin story!)

The more context you give, the more people will be curious to check it out and support.

PS I'd prefer if the projects/apps/businesses were already launched, but if you're running a campaign to gain support during pre-launch and you're planning on launching in the next 3 months, you can mention it below.

If you're a coach and/or other type of service provider specifically for ADHDers, you can add your business to the list too.

You can also nominate tools/businesses that aren't your own, but I'd still like context to share with my community. (No origin story needed, unless you know it.)

I've been wanting to do a round-up post for a long time, but I was inspired to ask here when I saw ☒'s Little Wins project. (Which I'm, of course, immediately signing up for.)

Haha.. awesome! Glad it inspired you. I would love to chat about it with you (yes, I'm that founder that loves talking about my creations lol).

Yes, definitely, I'd love to carve out some time to chat more.

(You can also write out responses here, if you'd like, so I can make sure to include it in the roundup using your words.)

Do you know about the coworking space I've shared here? If not, it's a space to gather and create together, but we can use it as a way for you to tell me all about your project. Let me know, and I'll send you the link.

PS If you didn't like to talk about your projects, I'd be concerned! I appreciate people who like to gush about their special interests.

I saw you post something about it but didn't click the link. Sorry, can you post again?

For time booking, I usually send people here to book some time:

Here are my answers:

Who it's for: people that are stuck getting their "engine started" and making daily progress.

What problem(s) it solves: Everyone eventually falls into a rut. To get life "back on track" gratitude journaling can often help. The problem for ADHD people: they can't remember what they did yesterday, nevermind last week. Its called "time blindness" in ADHD circles. So journaling all the little "wins" throughout the day can help with your own self-audit. I have a 35 day win streak so far since I rebuilt the app. 487 wins over the past year - and thats only for a few months of wins saved.

You can see my stats here:

What inspired me: I was stuck in that rut (more than once tbh): I haven't been formally diagnosed with ADHD, but I know one thing for sure: "win journaling" has been incredibly useful. WIP is sort of based on this idea - but your wins are public. I think if WIP had a "private" option for posts, wins, lists, projects, etc there would be much higher engagement and app use. I would stop building my app if WIP had that option.

Back story: I actually started WJ (win journaling) last year on paper. Then I wanted to use a minimal app but couldn't find one. So being a hacker, I learned Bubble and built it. It was pretty good but not great. I tried to get signups but nobody showed up (my marketing wasn't great tbh). I closed the app several months ago but then re-booted in Wordpress a month ago after ChatGPT became a helpful pair programmer. The app is close to what I want it to be now. But I'm going to rebuild it again as a Mac native app next. Security and privacy are a concern and this next rebuild will resolve that.

Thanks Cat! You are awesome!

@mayur thank you for answering the questions and giving us more insight about Win Journaling! I signed up for the beta test and am excited to test it out.

As someone with diganosed ADHD that I'm medicated for, I can assure you that I can't tell you what I did yesterday unless I look at my WIP profile 😹 Even then, I forget to document everything, so I lose out on essential dopamine hits.

PS You can make your WIP profile private in the settings. I document client project progress here, so I want to maintain a level of privacy. My account is locked down, so if someone who isn't a member navigates to my profile, they can't see tasks, projects, posts, or comments, BUT they can see my posts (just questions, not tasks or projects) and comments only if they have a direct link to the specific post/question.

Don't think there are that many drug traffickers here.. ;-)
