Rahul Lakhaney

Rahul Lakhaney


Joined September 2017
fixed the scope filters for better sorting
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Search with autocomplete suggestions - Enable search with autocomplete html suggestions for company subdomains.
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added gibbon gem to automatically add a user to the mailing list followed by instructions
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switched to amazon SES for better transactional emails
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added better filters with scoping for trending, top, closed, solved, in progress states
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No replies yet now has slack notifications feature
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fixed subdomain login issues for
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completed homepage update for
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Add badges for admin/moderators/users in the posts for easy recognition.
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Fix voting system
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No replies yet now supports team invitations
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Basoc SEO - Companies can now set basic SEO meta tags for their board subdomains.
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Images in posts - Now users can add images to their posts in enpoll boards
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status for posts - Enpoll board admins can now set the topic status to Planned, in progress, solved, or in discussion
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Enabled emoji support - Enpoll now supports 🙌💣😍
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slack api integrations - now you can enable slack webhooks inside your enpoll board for everytime someone posts a suggestion, you get a notification on your slack
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anyone can vote - anyone can now vote on your enpoll board
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