Joined January 2019
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Fixing promises issues in joinRoom #downtotalk
finishing adding the first integration test for signaling process #downtotalk
banging my head understaning kurento api #downtotalk
adding dump initial page for testing groups functionality #downtotalk
fixing video stream issue and adding reach router to start finishing an MVP #downtotalk
Fixing final state issues with rtcPeer object #downtotalk
Solving 4 problems on leet code #problemsolving
Fixing react hooks issues with state #downtotalk
Migrating the Kurento example from vanilla to react #downtotalk
Getting openvidue react demo to work #downtotalk
Finishing implementing inital left side for the auth page #downtotalk
finish initial sign up page design on sketch #downtotalk
Adding redis crud functionality for groups and changing groups unit tests to use redis mock #downtotalk
Create a docker compose cluster for Redis and the GraphQL server #downtotalk
understanding docker user-defined bridge network and configuring it for compose #downtotalk
add basic outline for how the initial architecture would look like #downtotalk
Adding mocha sidebar extention and configuring it for typescript #downtotalk
Implementing initial unit tests for the groups functionality #downtotalk
Setup typescript and mocha and chai for the server #downtotalk