Drew Reynolds
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start major booking page redesign #anyopening
users can set a greeting message and an account time zone #anyopening
Add MX records to set up company email #anyopening
Figure out help center software #anyopening
Sit down with designer-friend and talk about some future possibilities
start actually building new homepage, link sending section #anyopening
continue design plans for new homepage #anyopening
Draw out update for new homepage to show off capabilities #anyopening
Rename tables to make the process easier to follow. Create difference between meetings and availability exceptions #anyopening
work on Google SSO for new and existing users #anyopening
continue working on cost calculator and annual/monthly pricing page #anyopening
work on calculator to show monthly/weekly value #anyopening
small copy updates before Easter celebration with the family #anyopening
continue taking out some half baked features so I can launch MVP #anyopening