Karolis Ramanauskas
Karolis Ramanauskas
Software engineer by trade, side-project shipper, dream of paying bills from one of those projects one day.
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Add sample ERC721 contract to practical-solidity repo #learningweb3
Create web3 foundation grant proposal #learningweb3
Add sample ERC20 contract to practical-solidity repo #learningweb3
Add sample ERC20 contract to practical-solidity repo #learningweb3
Publish grant proposal to W3F #learningweb3
Explore how to inspect and monitor ethereum events #learningweb3
Inspect NatSpec documentation format #learningweb3
Complete challenge 0: NFT example (speedrunethereum) #learningweb3
Research Uniswap contract to figure out how to swap tokens #dexdca
Add GitHub contribute link #placeholdernft