Juan Olvera

I feel you. I'm 38, have three kids, a full-time job, and I'm building Budgetwise in my free time.

Here's my advice: Tight your sleep schedule. I saw this part of the post as a big red flag: "after many long, long nights I feel like I am slowly burning out. There are just so many things I have to do. And mostly, I have no clue how to do them so everything takes so much time."

Sleeping well will give you the energy, clear mind, and mood to finish more stuff in less time. Not because you will be faster, but because efficiency in what you do will grow.

Do you have nights where you are stuck at something that you feel you shouldn't be struggling with? That's your body saying "stop and go to sleep!"

You are tired, feel like doing little progress, of course, you are going to burn out.

I work two, or three days max per week and I do more progress than a full week of working 8PM-2AM.

My two cents.