Daniel Meade
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Fix overflowing strapline text bug #givewithella
Fix bug preventing new changelog entries from being added, and existing ones being editable #givewithella
Create a "temporarily unassigned" cause category for charities that do not suitably fit into one of the existing causes (allowing for more charities to be added without mis-categorisation) #givewithella
Back end build of journal section #givewithella
Send invoice - Client work to pay for side-project!
Fix UI bugs on tablet devices #givewithella
Fix bug outputting every charity in the db to each cuase category #givewithella
Add dynamic page titles and descriptions #givewithella
Limit charities returned to 18, paginate and load with infinite scroll #givewithella
Order charities by most recently active (to incentivise charities to add regular updates) #givewithella
Temporarily place Vision and Health focused charities within Health category #givewithella
Set up charity profile for 4Sight Vision support and email Nick, the CEO, with the link #givewithella
Make causes list more compact #givewithella
Tweet thread about #givewithella to let people know that it actually exists…
Ship Cause and Charity search #givewithella
Fix incorrect tile image being used for Health category #givewithella