Daniel Meade
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Start side project as a break from main project
Review project ideas Trello board and throw out ideas I'm just not going to work on.
Continued work on audience building (by being authentic) - Posted to IH to find like minded Social entrepreneurs #givewithella
Add a further 15 charities, making their financial date out in the open #givewithella
Bash out a twitter thread in response to a tweet claiming that “All charities are scams”. I mean, that counts as marketing, right?… #givewithella
Added "Time since published" and read time estimation to journal articles #givewithella
Design and dev journal article page #givewithella
Pack for Cyprus trip. Spending a week just chilling and focusing on #givewithella
No shipping today. Downtime needed. Just date night and catching up with an old friend #life
Add infinite scroll for charities list #givewithella
Added attribution for Data API #givewithella
Display an error message for when data API is down #givewithella
Add gif support for Changelog items #givewithella
Fix image upload issue for changelog items #givewithella