Boy 🛸
Boy 🛸
Mac app maker since 2011 as You can hire me to work on your products too.
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Fix the Dracula color theme for AppCode. 🎉
Launch #repairalert on Product Hunt etc.! 🚀
Fix some CircularProgress issues and open PR. #opensourcestuff
Transition floating (save) panels from windows to views. #carbonize
Get CircularProgress PRs merged. 🎉 #opensourcestuff
Fix CircularProgress comments. #opensourcestuff
Implement MMVM + Coordinator pattern in #netlistat.
Work on CircularProgress PRs. #opensourcestuff
Visualize cancelled state in CircularProgress and open PR. #opensourcestuff
Implement indeterminate state in CircularProgress. #opensourcestuff
Finalize implementation of PKCE OAuth2 forwarding for #netlistat.
Release #carbonize v1.1 and write about it on
Explore other rendering methods for #carbonize.
Explore skipping #carbonize and opening immediately when importing code.