Mahmoud Swehli
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get api working with Istio services on k8s #trucost
setup vsts build agent with docker #trucost
configure new k8s cluster and connect to it #trucost
finish a "coming soon" page and reply to digital ocean to try to get free credit #mushin
move create tax modal to use reactive forms
finish all tax band modifications in backoffice #trucost
move income tax bands to seperate table #trucost
ability to add income tax bands in backoffice #trucost
get list of all income taxes in backoffice #trucost
add income tax deletion in backend and backoffice ui #trucost
add tax listing and base creation to region details page backoffice #trucost
add subregion deletion to backoffice #trucost
add ability to add subregions in backoffice #trucost
move logic and models to seperate libraries #trucost