Play Hidoku
add capability for algorithm to create 50 solution grids and export to csv so I can upload to database
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solve puzzle generated with python algorithm to test my creation
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make algorithm run multiple times until it finds the best version of the puzzle
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limit solver function to 1.5M times and make model try another number if that happens
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reach solution at 10M iterations during testing
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make model go grazy when millions of solutions are possible
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add time and iterations it takes to generate initial puzzle grid
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refuse to give up until my code works like I expected it to
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improve algorithm to generate puzzles to deal with cases in which there could be multiple solutions
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start working on algorithm to create initial puzzle grids
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add progress data so i can identify when the algorithm gets stuck or is running longer than expected
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test initial algorithm to create puzzles
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create repository for puzzle generator
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improve instructions on homepage
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create social media accounts
get smallest playable number to be automatically selected when user starts new puzzle
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get reselected cell border to clear if user clicks away and keeps playing
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fix how game controls show up on mobile
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fix how next puzzle button shows up in mobile view
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prepare work for next code sessions
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