DevOps projects
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Changed the font on my #devopsprojectshq
changes some links on my site #devopsprojectshq so that it doesn't open in a different tab
setup the email newsletter in a cronjob for a weekly report on #devopsprojectshq
finished with the cover letter generator on the #devopsprojectshq and deployed on prod
working on my free tool for generating cover letters on #devopsprojectshq , got it working now need to tweak it.
working on a cover letter tool on my site #devopsprojectshq
started to work on my free tool on #devopsprojectshq
thinking about free tools to put on my #devopsprojectshq
update the readme with ideas for free tools on #devopsprojectshq
work on adjusting the #devopsprojectshq to be mobile friendly and responsive
fix the wrong prices for the black friday deal on #devopsprojectshq
add black friday specials on #devopsprojectshq
add the link for indian remote jobs #devopsprojectshq
adding featured jobs on #devopsprojectshq
add another scraper for the #devopsprojectshq
add the EU 🇪🇺 logo at the bottom of #devopsprojectshq
changed the logo on #devopsprojectshq to haloween 🎃
got the newsletter django sending with sendgrind on #devopsprojectshq working
add more job link queries on my #devopsprojectshq
#devopsprojectshq adding sending emails from my django backend