Compose Examples
Compose Examples
150+ professionally crafted components and screens, you can copy and paste into your Compose projects.
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Keep iterating on the funnel to increase conversion #composeexamples
Navigate to /pricing page as paddle only does checkout screens and people need to see what they will get before actually buying #composeexamples
Ship two new Compose Multiplatform components: Accordion & Chip. #composeexamples
Sign user in right after they create a new account. Before we would redirect them to sign in page #composeexamples
Try out Paddle for payments #composeexamples
Ask for review 2 days after purchase to automate testimonials #composeexamples
First draft done of library blog post #composeexamples
add components on landing page, because it's silly to ask people to dig the site to figure out what they will get #composeexamples
Plan ahead for future component releases #composeexamples
Send monthly invoice to sponsor #composeexamples
Put color on hero, make CTAs colorful and bigger #composeexamples
Replace screenshot with real interact components on hero and add tech logos #composeexamples
Show an onboarding survey after purchase so that we know where they found out about Composables UI #composeexamples
Ship new ComposeTheme version #composeexamples
Finish 1st draft on extending Compose Theme using other design systems #composeexamples
Publish new Compose Multiplatform Open source library on Github #composeexamples…
Done with the first docs draft for new API #composeexamples
Define beautiful defaults for new API #composeexamples
Go through beautiful defaults for a new Compose API i am working on #composeexamples
Finish API design and implementation of new Compose library #composeexamples