Simple Poll
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ship refactored async messages #simplepoll
make some more progress on async messages refactor #simplepoll
give feedback on logo concepts #simplepoll
review some freelance writing work #simplepoll
work on making poll async messages more consistent #simplepoll
Add guidance for poll channel selector #simplepoll
Add guidance for first-time decision capturers #simplepoll
Purchase AWS reserved instances for the next year #simplepoll
Write up design brief #simplepoll
create a couple more BI charts #simplepoll
improved the way voters are shown in extremely large polls #simplepoll
Ask a couple more questions during simple poll sign up flow #simplepoll
Do monthly retro (liked, learned, lacked, longed for) #simplepoll
Set up a bunch more funnel charts in chartio (but mostly wait for suuuuper slow DB queries) #simplepoll
Learn more about chartio #simplepoll
Provide a testimonial on a new platform feature #simplepoll
Play around with chartio and set up a cohort analysis #simplepoll
Send some emails and do some things that don't scale #simplepoll
fix max length bug that happens when a huge number of people vote on a single poll option #simplepoll
Protect against some kind of race conditions in standalone poll creation flow #simplepoll