
Roast my podcast (and maybe be a guest)

Hi all,

Just released a new podcast about tech, innovation, and entrepreneurship in 2025. If you have some time I'd love to hear some feedback and criticisms you have so I can improve.

Also I'm on the hunt for new guests, so if you're interested please reach out and I'll get back to you.

Here are the youtube and spotify links, but it is also available on several other podcasting platforms -

I watched it. I thought it was on the right track. But it didn't seem to really have a central theme. More like - just some talking between friends. I can't really remember anything from it. Your guest went to Harvard. Did some stuff. Then learned to code and that was empowering. But I think that with a little organization - maybe some section titles? Maybe some conclusions? Maybe something more visual to see to help picture what's being discussed? The vibe was good though.

I think that you and I would have an interesting chat. I went to art school then found myself doing more music, then ended up learning to code and design - and now I run a small school and an agency among other things. We could do an interview -- but with end product in mind. (if you'd like)

Appreciate the feedback Derek. I'll be in touch soon.

The switching back and forth when someone talks is distracting.

here's some side by side examples:

or if you have 3 people you can do it like this:

here's an example where the guest talks A LOT on his own, sometimes for minutes at a time, so the host makes the guest take up the whole screen, then when the hosts asks another question he comes in from the side (while still keeping the guest in the frame) - example with exact timestamp:…

But if you want to do the least editing possible, just having both you and the guest side by side would look the most professional with the least amount of editing.

So, in my opinion, having the guests side by side means I'm not context switching back and forth within 2 seconds of each other, I can just move my eyes to the left or the right depending on who is talking, or I can look at the person not talking to see their reaction to something.

A couple things too: Whenever the guest is talking I always find it distracting when the host makes comments like "Right, yeah, uh huh, yeah, right, yup, exactly, true". Take a look at that episode with Jon Blow on the Game Engineering Podcast and the episode with Casey Muratori I linked. Listen to how the Host interacts with them, then read the comments of all the people praising the host for not making unnecessary comments.

The number 1 comment on the Casey video is "Here's a small thing that is actually a big deal: you let the interviewee talk without constantly interrupting them. You'd be surprised how often this is not the case."

When asking questions and the guest is done answering it, you don't need to do a summary or anything like "yeah that makes sense, so you're saying that xx and yy and bb which allows you to do xxx. I can see how that makes zzzz better". Just move on to the next question or find a way to segway into the next question.

Also - Derek is super cool and you should definitely talk to him

Thanks Brian, appreciate all the advice.
