Rewrote some convoluted spreadsheet math that was breaking
One of the columns in the spreadsheet has some quite detailed computations, and I was spinning my wheels before finally solving it. I'm not a spreadsheet genius, so getting this sorted was an absolutely HUGE deal.
=ARRAYFORMULA( IF( A2:A<>"", IF( COUNTIF(Items!A:A, A2:A)>1, IF( VLOOKUP( A2:A, QUERY({Items!A:A, Items!E:E, Items!F:F, Items!G:G, Items!H:H}, "SELECT Col1, MAX(Col2), Col3, Col4 WHERE Col1 IS NOT NULL GROUP BY Col1, Col3, Col4", 1), 2, FALSE ) = VLOOKUP( A2:A, QUERY({Items!A:A, Items!E:E, Items!F:F, Items!G:G, Items!H:H}, "SELECT Col1, MIN(Col2), Col3, Col4 WHERE Col1 IS NOT NULL GROUP BY Col1, Col3, Col4", 1), 2, FALSE ), "All prices the same", "$" & TEXT( VLOOKUP( A2:A, QUERY({Items!A:A, Items!E:E, Items!F:F, Items!G:G, Items!H:H}, "SELECT Col1, MAX(Col2), Col3, Col4 WHERE Col1 IS NOT NULL GROUP BY Col1, Col3, Col4", 1), 2, FALSE ), "#,##0.00" ) & " per " & VLOOKUP( A2:A, QUERY({Items!A:A, Items!E:E, Items!F:F, Items!G:G, Items!H:H}, "SELECT Col1, MAX(Col2), Col3, Col4 WHERE Col1 IS NOT NULL GROUP BY Col1, Col3, Col4", 1), 3, FALSE ) & " " & VLOOKUP( A2:A, QUERY({Items!A:A, Items!E:E, Items!F:F, Items!G:G, Items!H:H}, "SELECT Col1, MAX(Col2), Col3, Col4 WHERE Col1 IS NOT NULL GROUP BY Col1, Col3, Col4", 1), 4, FALSE ) ), "N/A" ), "" ) )
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