Daniel Meade
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Add minimalistic footer to explain why everything is so embarrassing #givewithella
Consider first shippening to include just Causes #givewithella
Delay shippening to finish off some client work so a man can eat #life
Research and write cause pages for Education and LGBT #givewithella
Set min height on cause hero's for better display on mobile devices #givewithella
Fix firefox rendering fonts waaaaaay too bold issue #givewithella
Cycle through years of income and expenditure data to most recently supplied data #givewithella
Fix display errors if nauty charities haven't filed their annual accounts correctly and data cannot be fetched #givewithella
Create low res cause thumbnail assets for faster load times #givewithella
Write JS function to auto add target="_blank" to outbound links #givewithella
Remove graph filtering and replace graph legend with custom keys #givewithella
Add white and full colour charity logo upload fields to CMS #givewithella
Charity profile build & integration #givewithella
Ensure number abbreviation function returns 0 and dies if input equates to 0 #givewithella
Function to calculate percentages of category income and expenditure #givewithella
Set alternate sticky header colour transition for charity profiles #givewithella
Fix navigation hover action issue #givewithella