buy a raspberry and an external harddrive to reduce monthly server cost #life
get ready to visit family member #life
went agility training #life
sleep 8 hours for 2 days in a row #life
spent $900 on a vet dentist 🦷 #life
go for agility #life
take daily stroll with dogs #life
went on horseback again #life
fix tax declaration #life
meet cousins and family for dinner 🥘 #life
drive home from visiting my family #life
bake some bread 🍞 #life
research technologies #life
booked a boat ticket #life
started reading my new deep learning book #life
book a spa visit #life
being sick and watching coding documentaries #life
solve todays aoc challange #life
clean house so we can take some nice pictures #life
Start a new blog #life