Down To Talk
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Adding redis crud functionality for groups and changing groups unit tests to use redis mock #downtotalk
Create a docker compose cluster for Redis and the GraphQL server #downtotalk
understanding docker user-defined bridge network and configuring it for compose #downtotalk
add basic outline for how the initial architecture would look like #downtotalk
Adding mocha sidebar extention and configuring it for typescript #downtotalk
Implementing initial unit tests for the groups functionality #downtotalk
Setup typescript and mocha and chai for the server #downtotalk
Adding initial video call page design for browser on sketch #downtotalk
Adding initial video call page design for mobile on sketch #downtotalk
Adding initial server side functionality for groups and users functionality #downtotalk
Adding initial homepage design for mobile on sketch #downtotalk
Adding initial homepage design for browser on sketch #downtotalk
Writing the initial software design doc for the project #downtotalk
Buying the domain, configuring dns servers and linking it to netlify #downtotalk
Go throw Openvidu hello-world tutorial #downtotalk
implementing basic server for signaling #downtotalk
Implement Initial scaffolding structure for the core pages with redux #downtotalk
get initial kurento example to work #downtotalk
Checkout Building Video Conference with WebRTC & Kurento Media Server #downtotalk
Adding basic scaffolding for conferencing groups #downtotalk