Down To Talk
create a gatsby v2 project #downtotalk
finish intial layout for chat section in video room #downtotalk
integrating gatsby mailchimp plugin #downtotalk
finishing chat typing section #downtotalk
Creating a project for the chat functionality and checking out Tailwindcss #downtotalk
redesigning the whole video call room page and adding text chat to it on sketch #downtotalk
Adding intial styling to video chat room #downtotalk
creating initial layout for video chat room #downtotalk
Fixing remoteStream issue by removing refactoring the async function inside useEffect and using callbacks #downtotalk
decoupling webrtc peer connection creation from the react component #downtotalk
falling back to old non async-await signaling code #downtotalk
creating a dev env ec2 instance and deploying prisma and postgres to it #downtotalk
configuring dns records on netlify to for namecheep private email #downtotalk
configuring jest with typescript #downtotalk
Adding signIn and signUp resolvers #downtotalk
creating a docker-compose cluster with prisma and postgres and the graphQl server for the auth api #downtotalk
adding transition animations between sign in and sign up #downtotalk
writing my first animation with react spring #downtotalk
building sign up component #downtotalk