Write Invisible
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make a tweet storm - first time ever… #wi
dark mode quote for twitter #wi
made a list of hashtags used by writers #wi
learn to do basic research on Twitter hashtags #wi
tested new time for posting to Twitter #wi
mapped out process social media -> sign up for newsletter #wi
create template for twitter #wi
improved loadtimes on write invisible by switching themes #wi
client work #wi
improved account page #wi
send out first email newsletter for #wi - 3 october 2019 🕦🕦🕦🕦
first newsletter for beta users #wi
set goals for ship by the 19 - 5 day challenge #wi
started the big shift to a new form plugin #wi
started writing landing page for #wi
tested changes to workflow #wi
found out why some writing is deleted on send. need to find a solution #wi
learned how to add a timer to forms #wi
evaluated options for improving #wi
some small tweaks and fixed entry display #wi