Similar todos
📦 add a BPM analyzer #sgtm
Got the timing graph lining up the syllables with the beat *way* more accurately, it seems to now perfectly match what my tapping out of the rhythm would indicate. #rhymecraft
Got the timing graph displaying the position of syllables relative to the beat much more accurately. #rhymecraft
work on beat analysis #typeframes
tried out the new Python "definite" library for writing finite-state machines and made a few interesting demos with it #mylife
Investigated why the timing graph is sometimes not aligning syllables to the beat accurately. #rhymecraft
Improving automation with python. #shaz
Set default bpm to 80 #lyricallabs
blog-post detector trained - reached 100% precision and 83% recall - maybe overfitted a bit 🙂 Next stage: loaded in >1000 URLs let's see how many it gets correct
TapForBpm - Only show the 'Reset' button if the user has tapped out the BPM and there are therefore taps to reset. #rhymecraft
worked on another data importer using the new python spatula library. It's not bad, but proving to be a bit more difficult to get my 10+ year old project synced than I'd like
worked on some more Python project automation to sync up a bunch of random changes
🤖 rewrote a Python 2 Bayes Classifier to work with Python 3 which is nice for figuring out how to log into things.
metronome is working precisely
Investigated an error that occurs when a user begins recording the rhythm from a later syllable in the song. #rhymecraft
check precise timings when alerts fire #httpscop
Make part of speech detection more precise #positify
It's really spooky when your 2 side hustles and 2 day jobs all have you working with the same python library in the same day. prefect
continue researching and testing music models #lyricallabs